Agreement Of Demasiado

The Spanish words m (plus), menos (less, less), mejor (better), peor (less), mucho (much, many), poco (little, little) and demasiado (too, too much) can be used as adjectives or adverbs. But I`ve also seen it used as a kind of qualifying adverb for a related adjective, where it seems that it doesn`t seem to agree, z.B. El zumo`s demasiado aguado – the juice is too watery The comida`s demasiado caliente – the food is too hoy Los hombres estén demasiado cansado – men are too tired Las mujeres estén demasiado candsadas – women are too tired As adverb is immutable, it means it doesn`t change. It usually comes above all adjective or adverb it affects the importance of but after such a verb. Another way to remember that “demasiado” does not change form as an adverb is that “muy” is also an adverb, and it never changes the shape. It`s a long movie. How long? It`s too long! (demasiado larga) very long! (muy larga) As adjectives, m and menos remain immutable; mejor and peor add – it`s to accept only with subpropfillaires that modify them; and mucho, poco and demasiado correspond in number and sex with the nouns that change them. As adverbs, all these words remain immutable. Look at the following sentences in which adjectives are used in early examples and adverbs in the second examples: Piensa mucho (poco, demasiado). (He thinks a lot [a little, too].) I`m not sure what you mean, but I would say that “los hombres estén demasiado cansados.

Bueno (s)/buena (s) and malo (s) /mala (s) are adjectives (and must correspond in number and sex with the subtantifs that modify them) meaning good or bad. Well and sometimes are adverbs (which do not require agreement) that mean good or bad/bad. La mujer esté demasiado agobiada para pensar. The woman is overwhelmed. How submerged is he? Too overworked to think. And as in English, you don`t have “too many cars” or “too much milk” (or “very autos” or “very milk”), you have to use “demasiado” as an adjective in Spanish to match the number and sex: the answer key says that it should be demasiada and that the right shape is demasiado. The movies are too long. Las peléculas son demasiado largas. Therefore, “demasiado” – too much demasiados/as – too much Ive seen demasiado used to get excessive amounts, which means too much of something where it seems that he must agree with the sex and the amount of things he describes, for example.B.