Ugdsb Collective Agreement

Central agreements with teachers and education workers, represented by the Ontario Secondary Teachers` Federation (OSSTF), have been ratified by school authorities and the union and approved by the Ontario government. On April 20, it was announced that the Council of Trustees` Associations (CTA) and the provincial government had entered into preliminary agreements with the Ontario Secondary School Teachers` Federation (OSSTF) and OSSTF education workers. The details of the agreements remain confidential until they are ratified by all parties. However, a provisional agreement on 6 October prevented strike action. CupE Local 256 ESL Unit and the Upper Grand District School Board reached a preliminary agreement at the local bargaining table. Members will vote on the provisional agreement on February 14, 2020. If you have questions about your rights at work, the best person you can talk to is your local steward or executive. You will know the specific details of your agreement. The council ratified the new agreement on April 28, the ratification by teachers on April 29.

The members` ratification vote showed strong support for the provisional agreement. . . .